My best friend said to me recently that since he had moved back to Leeds he had started to reconnect with people he used to go to school with and the such, it got me thinking that I didn’t really keep in contact with anyone I went to school with, not even my old best friend. Why?
A few weeks ago at the end of my tether my cousin came to my rescue, I was down and lonely and miserable and she went to the cinema with me to cheer me up. We used to hang out together when we were younger, more through force than anything else, but it was lovely to just have female company and have a chat and hang out together. So much so that we are going again this weekend and I can’t wait
Then there is my Stevie bum. We always used to text each other all the time anyway but we have had a couple of nights out together recently and it’s been nice. He is the 2nd most texted person in my phone and one of the people I pester the shit out of but it’s nice to actually have a bit of physical company, his friends are ace too.
Tonight has got to be the best night for me in a while though, I had a bit of a shit afternoon and was feeling like i might cry at any point. Then who should pop up on facebook but Natalie. When I went to primary school my mum and her mum were best friends, me and her were best friends. We were inseperable. We had sleep overs, we had birthday parties, we lived opposite each other and used to have walkie talkies so we could talk on a night because we couldn’t bare to be apart from each other. She’s said she’d really like to meet up and go for a drink which I am really looking forward to, we’ve traded numbers and I am looking forward to hearing from her.
Finally I found an email from an old clubbing buddy with his mobile number in, so on the off chance it was still in use I text it. I only had to say it’s Dani from Rio’s and he knew who I was.
So I’ve had a good time reconnecting with people from my past, and I know the saying goes, ‘’there’s a reason people didn’t make it to your present’’ or something along those lines, but with these people the only reason was through laziness and a loss of communication.
I really think I might be getting myself back on track.