
I received another package from the lovely Scents and Sparkles yesterday. As well as a snap apart bar in Candy Corn and Vamp Vogue (yes I bought more of the lovelies) I also got some new treats to try.

Here is a picture of what I got and also my geisha burner.
I'm not going to review the Candy Corn or Vamp Vogue as you already know of my love for them. I shall however tell you about the other beauties. :-)

The pink snap apart bar in the middle is Crimson Orange and Berries. It's described as "a gorgeous limited edition summer blend of juicy crimson blood orange, blackberry, strawberry, blueberry & grapes" As soon as I opened the lid on the bar I was hit with the mixed berry scent. This smells exactly like a bowl full of fresh summer berries.  Very fresh, bright and summery and very cheerful. A great scent for sunny days such as today and perfect for when it's a bit dismal too to bring a bit of cheer to the day. I expected this to be orange with a hint of berries but it's berries with a hint of orange. Really nice. Another one to be added to the re-order list I think :-)

Next up is a bag of mini jelly beans. I am a bit undecided on these. Whilst they look brilliant, and are great for a quick melt as you can put as few or many as you like they smell like real jelly beans. I know, I know your probably thinking well isn't that a good thing? You'd be right it is a great thing, if you like jelly beans. Personally I don't like the sweets they remind me of sitting in our local social club on a Sunday afternoon bored whilst the adults all had a good time and we would get 20p to get sweets from the machines. Don't get me wrong the mini wax jelly bean melts smell lovely they just remind me too much of my childhood for me to melt them as regular as I melt the other tarts I own.

The other two bags of tarts you can see in my picture are in the shape of hearts, hence the blog title. The lilac coloured ones are Fairy Dust scented and the pink ones have the Love Hearts scent.

Fairy Dust is one of Paris Hilton's perfumes and this smells exactly like it. It's described as being floral but the floral side is actually really subtle and musky. It's quite a universal fragrance, young yet mature, fruity and floral. It's quite a flirty scent too.

Love Hearts - "sweet sugar & layered in sour notes of various fruits & citrus" This instantly reminds me of those refresher sweets you can get. The chewy ones with the sharp sherbet inside. Citrussy, sharp, in your face, kick up the backside scent. Not the kind of thing you would melt if you were trying to relax as its very zingy and will definitely wake you up. This could come in handy for my exam revision although like many of Scents and Sparkles foody scents it might make me a bit hungry.

You will also see in this picture that there is a red solo tart. This was a freebie and is Cherry Pie scented. It is very cherry indeed. Vibrant red cherries, very in your face, definitely one for cherry lovers. I'm in a strange mood today and I am really tempted to lick this tart to see if it turns my tongue red like cherryade does. I don't encourage you to eat wax though, what a waste of something lovely that would be.

Overall another great purchase from the lovely Heather at Scents and Sparkles. I am in talks with her about offering you guys some of her loveliness as a competition on my blog, so stay tuned. :-)


Natalie/Aminabugz said...

Tempting me to order more lovely waxy goodness. I love the sound of the cherry tart.. I think i will need to order that in my next order. I love the vamp vogue, i ordered that as you seemed to really like it and i agree.. wow.. an amazing smell..

Ikkle87 said...

Oh I'm so glad you got it and liked it. Proves I am not as bonkers as I thought lol. I need to go buy some more matches so I can melt some more loveliness, I am envisaging a very very long bath with lots of bubbles and some candles and a nice tart melting away mmmm....

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