
Well after a relatively healthy day food wise I have been pondering about how best to tone up. I want to try something new and fun and different that works and that will help to tone me up and tighten my skin up. I have done lots of research into different activities in my local area.

I never realised how expensive gyms were though! I am seriously considering renewing my 'Leeds Card' which is a card specially for people on benefits/students/under19's/OAP's. It gives them discounts for museums and things and also for the local leisure centre for activities such as swimming.

Tomorrow afternoon, after college I shall be visiting a tanning salon at the other side of Leeds for a 10 minute FlabeLos session. Flabelos is similar to powerplate and apparently a 10 minute session is equal to an hour in the gym. My slimming world consultant swears by it and so I thought I would give it a go. It is normally around the £4 a session mark but you can buy a months worth of sessions (16) for £30. For more info on Flabelos you can visit their site which also gives you a list of where the machines are. I'm seriously considering buying a month's worth of sessions but money is a little tight so I am thinking maybe a weeks worth and then I can go Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Which are the three days I finish early from college.

My local leisure centre also offers Aqua Aerobics. The class is at 7:30pm on a Monday and is local to where I live so I am going to go to tomorrows lesson and try it out and see if I like it or not. The advantage is that it's women only so I don't have to be too shy, and also you get an hours swimming afterwards so that's a bonus as even if I don't get on with the class I can do a few laps.

Finally, and this is the more wackier of the options. I have contacted someone about belly dancing lessons. Well I did say I wanted to do something different :-) . The class is on a Wednesday night and is run by a lady called Wendy. It's something I have always wanted to try, so am really looking forward to it. What better way to tone up my belly! Look out Shakira, here I come.

So there you have it. I have a few new options to try out. Some might work out for me, some might not. It's something new and different for me to try other than playing on the wii fit all the time which is fun but lacks that little bit of fun when your on your own.


Anonymous said...

Sounds good hun, Well done xx annemarie xx

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